Second Generation

Cover of Second Generation
Second Generation was my first published book – a Silhouette Special Edition. It takes place in Yellowstone National Park, a magical place that triggered my imagination after a vacation there. It’s the story of the children of feuding parents healing the wounds of the previous generation. Romeo and Juliette? I didn’t think of it at the time, but maybe there are elements in it. The thing is, in this book, the heroine, Deanna Monroe, doesn’t know that the guide on her wilderness camping tour is Rick Latimer, the son of Max Latimer, a famous actor. Max and Deanna’s father, Nigel, were once best friends, co-stars on a hit TV series. When Max and Nigel’s friendship fell apart their split was so bitter that the TV show was cancelled. While the press loves the idea of Deanna and Rick getting together, Deanna isn’t so sure she’s ready for the kind of commitment Rick is looking for.